Lígia Ribeiro, Maria Pinto, Pedro Neto, Andrea Vieira


Universities are facing demanding challenges due to the rising of life-long-learning needs and the responsibility to accommodate new and emerging technologies in the learning process. On the European Higher Education Area “learning” takes a primordial limelight. Also, in a globalized society where information and communication technologies play a major role, employers require higher education graduates not only to be excellent in communication and in the use of information, but also to think creatively, to be able to innovate, cooperate and compete across borders.
The spatial configuration of learning spaces and the facilities and initiatives they accommodate are rather important to provide effective environments for learning, where diverse studying and cultural activities combine, motivating students to become more knowledgeable and equipped with the interdisciplinary and high level skills the 21st century society requires.
The main objective of this work is to present and discuss the contribution of the e-Learning Café project of the University of Porto and of the successful implementation of its program, focused on diverse pedagogical and cultural activities, to the acquisition of students’ attitudes and skills essential to handle professional relationships and to facilitate learning, personal development and entrepreneurship.


Learning spaces program; life-long-learning; ICT for teaching and learning; personal development; entrepreneurship

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DOI: 10.7250/eunis.2013.050


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